Year 10 Child Studies

Year 10 Child Studies

Course Description

Child Studies focuses on children and their development from conception to aged 8. This subject will provide students with the opportunities to understand concepts around the growth and develop of babies and children. Students have opportunities to build their understanding of the range of attitudes, values, and beliefs of people in the wider community in relation to children and child-rearing practices.

Topics may include:  

  • Conception, pregnancy and neonatal care
  • The importance of play
  • Nutrition
  • Developmental stages and roles of parents and caregivers.  


Students will have the opportunities to learn new skills in the areas of sewing, cooking, research, text production and interacting with children.   

  • A textiles assignment in which students will develop skills in designing, working with fabrics and sewing skills
  • An investigation into pregnancy, neonatal care and development of the fetus  
  • Creation of a toy or activity suitable for children of different ages

Additional Information:

There is a subject fee of $15.00 to cover some consumables required during practical classes.

Year 10 Child Studies

Watch the video below for further insight, and to find out why you might like to study Child Studies in Year 10!